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Tripling of highways around Casablanca: Where are the works at?

By September 3, 2024 Maroc

Tripling of highways around Casablanca: Where are the works at?

The work on tripling the Casablanca-Berrechid highway and the Casablanca bypass highway is progressing at a steady pace, assured Autoroutes du Maroc (ADM).

These works record a progress rate of 85% and 70% respectively, indicates ADM whose consolidated turnover in the second quarter of 2024 reached more than 2.58 billion dirhams compared to 1.98 billion dirhams for the same period of 2023, an increase of 30.1%. According to ADM, this progression “is explained on the one hand by the 8.2% improvement in turnover linked to operations compared to the end of June 2023 and on the other hand by the 153% increase in turnover linked to construction for the same period”.

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