This scourge that hurts Morocco
This scourge that hurts Morocco

Despite the adoption in 2015 of the national control strategy, corruption does not decrease in Morocco due to the main resistances encountered, both in terms of intra-state as in the whole of society, and in particular in the economic field . Ahmed Bernoussi, secretary general of Transparency Maroc, depicts a dark painting.
“Corruption in Morocco has become endemic for years. It affects all economic and administrative sectors, public and private, ”said Ahmed Bernoussi, secretary general of Transparency Maroc, in an interview with Challenge. To support his remarks, he is based on the clues of perception of corruption published by Transparency International for more than 20 years and the recent surveys carried out by the National Instance of Constitutes, Prevention and Fight against Corruption (INPPLC) . “The health sector remains the most affected by corruption, followed by political parties, the government, the parliament and the unions,” reveals the investigation carried out in 2022 by the INPLC with citizens.