The troubled life of Laila Rouass: between racism, broken marriages and scandals
The troubled life of Laila Rouass: between racism, broken marriages and scandals
Life is not a long quiet river for Laila Rouass. The 53-year-old British model and actress of Moroccan origin has gone through painful episodes, both emotional and family.
Racism, two failed marriages, a jailed partner, a TV scandal, surviving a terrorist attack… Laila Rouass has had a tumultuous life. Born in Stepney, east London, and raised by her Moroccan father and Indian mother alongside her four sisters and two brothers, she experienced racism at school. She even needed a police escort at lunchtime, and was regularly teased at her residence. “As a family living in a poor area of east London with a lot of other immigrants, we experienced terrible racism. Even dog faeces were left outside our front door,” she told The SUN in 2011.