The parking mafia imposes its law in Chefchaouen
The parking mafia imposes its law in Chefchaouen

In the absence of a legal and clear organization of public parking lots, motorists are being extorted by thugs and intruders by paying more and more for parking in the coastal town of Amtar and the region of Chefchaouen.
Iron and concrete barricades to impose control over parking lots and extort money from motorists, threats of assault and battery for those who refuse to pay… Vacationers, especially MREs, and residents are under the dictates of thugs and intruders who illegally control public parking lots. So far, the coastal municipality of Amtar has not yet followed in the footsteps of the municipalities that have decreed free public parking. It has neither mandated nor signed a contract with any entity to manage these parking lots. A situation that benefits these thugs.