Taxis: Morocco wants to turn the page on chaos
Taxis: Morocco wants to turn the page on chaos

In Morocco, the Minister of the Interior Abdelouafi Laftit has decided to put an end to the chaos of small and large taxi drivers through the implementation of administrative and organizational measures but also the taking of coercive measures against offenders.
Towards a reorganization of taxi activity in Morocco? In a ministerial circular, Abdelouafi Laftit invites regional walis and governors of prefectures and provinces to act to upgrade taxi activity, reports Al Ahdath Al Maghribia. Concretely, it is a question of working to improve “the quality of taxi services, large and small, through the implementation of administrative and organizational measures”. Approval holders are required to renew the fleet of vehicles put into service, while assigning them a telephone number and an email address, in order to receive complaints from users.