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Summer holidays in northern Morocco turn into a road nightmare

By August 21, 2024 Maroc

Summer holidays in northern Morocco turn into a road nightmare

Holiday departures have turned into a real ordeal with endless traffic jams on several roads connecting the cities of the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima region, as well as within urban areas, caused by the massive influx of Moroccan visitors and Moroccans living abroad (MRE).

Huge traffic jams are observed over several kilometers, for hours, on several axes of the national road n°16 linking Tetouan to Al Hoceïma, as well as on the national road linking Tetouan to M’diq, notes the site Al3omkspecifying that most of the traffic jams are concentrated in the province of Tetouan, between the municipalities of Amsa and Azla, between Azla and Tetouan, as well as between M’diq and Tetouan in the municipality of Mellalyene. A similar phenomenon occurs on the road linking Tetouan to Tangier, particularly in the municipality of Ain Lahcen in the province of Tetouan. The road between Targha and Kaa Asras, as well as the entrances to Jebha, in the province of Chefchaouen, are also experiencing traffic jams.

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