Stades, trains, airports: Morocco under construction
Stades, trains, airports: Morocco under construction

Fouzi Lekjaa, minister in charge of the budget, assures that the 2030 World Cup that Morocco will co-organize alongside Spain and Portugal will have enormous economic benefits on the country. But, upstream, challenges must be met.
Modernization of sports and urban infrastructure, development of transport infrastructure and expansion of airport infrastructure. These are the three challenges that Morocco must take up before the 2030 World Cup. Regarding the modernization of sports and urban infrastructure, Fouzi Lekjaa lets employers know that Morocco plans to renovate stadiums in Rabat, Casablanca, Marrakech, Fez, Tangier and Agadir, but also to create 32 basic camps across the country, reports Finances News Hebdo. Training land meeting international standards and quality hotel infrastructure, guaranteeing a balanced distribution of economic benefits throughout the territory will therefore be planned. “These projects will help revitalize certain often marginalized regions, while respecting the requirements of FIFA,” explains Lekjaa.