Spain could lose millions of tourists to Morocco
Spain could lose millions of tourists to Morocco

The adoption by the European Union of a tax on kerosene in order to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 would deal a heavy blow to the European air transport sector, warn airlines which fear a transfer of tourists to the Morocco or Turkey.
The European Union wants to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55% and achieve climate neutrality by 2050. With this in mind, it has implemented the Fit For 55 plan which imposes three measures on the energy sector. aviation: the limitation of CO₂ emission rights, the use of green fuels by at least 70% of aircraft serving the EU, and a tax on kerosene of 7.53 euros/gigajoule. While the first two measures have already been approved, the third is still under study, relays The debateadding that airlines are warning against adopting the latter measure.