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Sahara: Polisario violently attacks France

By July 28, 2024 Maroc

Sahara: Polisario violently attacks France

In response to its support for the Moroccan plan for autonomy in the Sahara, the “Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic” (SADR) announced the exclusion of France from any initiative linked to the decolonization of this territory, including the United Nations Mission for the Organization of a Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO).

“The SADR government condemns in the strongest terms the hostile position of the French government towards the Sahrawi people and their inalienable right to freedom, independence and self-determination,” reads a statement relayed by SPS, the Sahrawi news agency. “With this hostile and growing position, France has excluded itself from any initiative related to international efforts for the decolonization of Western Sahara, including its participation in the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara – MINURSO,” adds the SADR statement, considering that France has sided with the “occupier”, a position that “makes it undesirable.”

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