Sahara: a possible return of Donald Trump to power will be beneficial for Morocco
Sahara: a possible return of Donald Trump to power will be beneficial for Morocco
After decreeing American recognition of Morocco’s sovereignty over the Sahara under his administration in December 2020, former US President Donald Trump could definitively end the Sahara conflict if he wins the November 2024 elections. At least that’s what George Lombardi, his senior advisor, thinks.
In an interview with Spanish media outlet Atalayar, George Lombardi, senior adviser to former US President Donald Trump, expressed confidence that if the Republican candidate won the 2024 presidential election, he could bring Algeria and the Polisario to the negotiating table to resolve the conflict. “Trump was a close friend of the King of Morocco, much closer than Obama or even Biden. (…) I am sure that there is a strong friendship between Trump and King Mohammed VI, regardless of anything else, because both care about their countries and their people, and both are trying to seek peace and economic progress,” added the man who has more than 30 years of experience in business, politics and academia, and who has written extensively on international affairs.