Rabat wants to get rid of its garages
Rabat wants to get rid of its garages

The new mayor of Rabat, Fatiha El Moudni, no longer wants repair shops and car garages, run by companies or on a self-employed basis, in the Ocean district.
The new mayor of Rabat, Fatiha El Moudni, has taken a surprising decision. She is ordering repair shops and car garages, run by companies or self-employed, in the Ocean district to close their establishments or change their activities within 15 days, due to the lack of administrative authorization for the exploitation of public property, reports Assabah. This decision is causing incomprehension among all users and owners of these establishments, some of which have been open for over 60 years in the same district located in the heart of the capital. The deadline they were granted is also not going down well. In reality, the law grants a deadline of 60 days following a final legal decision.