Nearly 20,000 men beaten in Morocco
Nearly 20,000 men beaten in Morocco
MP Aziza Boujrida, member of the Haraki group, questions the Minister of Solidarity, Social Integration and Family, Naïma Ben Yahya, on the issue of violence against Moroccan men.
The issue of violence against men concerns Aziza Boujrida. While issues of violence against women receive considerable attention, violence against men also constitutes a developing phenomenon in Moroccan society, she underlines in a written question addressed to the Minister of Solidarity, of Social Integration and the Family, Naïma Ben Yahya. To support her argument, she notes that some studies indicate that many men suffer from violence in various forms, whether physical, psychological or economic. These men who are victims of violence often come up against a social culture which prevents them from expressing their suffering or asking for help, notes the MP.