Morocco: The Oriental, a new rival for Marrakech and Agadir
Morocco: The Oriental, a new rival for Marrakech and Agadir

The tourist potential of the Oriental region is particularly strong. Moroccan journalists, influencers and travel agents were able to discover this during a roadshow organized by the Regional Tourism Council (CRT) with the support of the Moroccan Tourism Office (ONMT).
Saïdia seaside resort housing one of the biggest pleasure ports in the whole Mediterranean, golf course in Saïdia, at Ras El Ma station (Cap de l’Eau) and the Marchica lagoon in Nador which presents a Interest at the same time economic, organic, ecological and tourist, natural landscapes and mountains of the Beni Snassen, former medina of Oujda and its rich architectural heritage, sites with strong cultural and historical charges … journalists, influencers and travel agents And foreigners were able to discover the great multi-product tourist potential of the Oriental region and a unique diversity of landscapes as part of a roadshow organized by the CRT last Saturday, reports the MAP.