Morocco: real estate developers under close surveillance
Morocco: real estate developers under close surveillance

The Ministry of the Interior led by Abdelouafi Laftit is leading a fight against tax evasion in the real estate sector. In its sights, real estate developers who do not pay the tax on undeveloped land (TNB) and certain presidents of municipalities who comment on certain offenses.
Concerns in perspective for real estate developers who do not pay the tax on undeveloped land (TNB). Instructions were given to the provinces and prefectures to update the lists of people subject to TNB in the various cities of the kingdom, after the Ministry of the Interior noted that land located within the urban perimeter of several cities are not affected by the TNB, because their owners have benefited from a suspensive exemption from this tax, reports Assaba. Another observation: the issuance of an abnormal number of authorizations for agricultural activities in the urban perimeter of several cities leading to the exemption of this land from the TNB.