Morocco makes the caftan a cultural weapon
Morocco makes the caftan a cultural weapon

To strengthen its diplomacy, Morocco is banking on its intangible heritage composed of numerous ancestral know-how that Algeria often tries to appropriate.
Intangible heritage at the service of soft diplomacy? “Intangible heritage, particularly traditional clothing, has become an effective tool for strengthening diplomacy in Morocco,” notes Young Africaexplaining that this is clearly manifested by the use of the Moroccan caftan as one of the elements of its soft power. The report highlights that the Moroccan caftan is now a symbol of cultural identity and a field of cultural and diplomatic competition, particularly with Algeria. And, Rabat strives to protect its intangible heritage of Algiers. Last Thursday, Morocco registered 10 trademarks related to caftan, zellige, babouche and jewelry with the Moroccan Office of Industrial and Commercial Property (OMPIC), the government agency responsible for the protection of industrial property in Morocco (trademarks, patents, industrial designs and models).