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Morocco: Fuel distributors under surveillance

By July 17, 2024 Economie

Morocco: Fuel distributors under surveillance

After a detailed analysis, the Competition Council makes several recommendations to improve the transparency and competitiveness of the fuel market.

The Competition Council has published a document entitled “Reporting for the 1st quarter of 2024 relating to the monitoring of commitments made by wholesale distribution companies for diesel and gasoline under the settlement agreements concluded with” the institution. A detailed analysis of the profit margins of fuel distributors in Morocco. It shows that margins on diesel have increased significantly compared to those on gasoline. The average gross margins of diesel and gasoline distributors showed significant variations during the first quarter of 2024, the report reveals. With regard to diesel, gross margins fluctuated between 1.24 DH/L and 1.69 DH/L, with a weighted average of 1.46 DH/L. As for gasoline, gross margins fluctuated between 1.76 DH/L and 2.26 DH/L, for a weighted average of 2.07 DH/L.

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