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Morocco: Food poisoning sends 36 people to hospital

By July 2, 2024 Maroc

Morocco: Food poisoning sends 36 people to hospital

36 people were poisoned after eating at a snack bar in El Mchouar Square in Tiznit. The establishment has been closed and a thorough investigation is underway to determine the causes of the poisoning.

A few days after the poisoning, 17 of the victims were admitted to the Tiznit Regional Hospital, while another was transferred to the Hassan II Hospital in Agadir to receive the necessary medical care. As for the other 18 patients, they were successfully treated. These 36 people experienced symptoms of food poisoning such as nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain after eating in the snack bar. Alerted by the incident, medical teams arrived on the scene and the victims received first aid before being transferred to hospitals.

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