Morocco: a severely sanctioned magistrate
Morocco: a severely sanctioned magistrate

The Higher Council of the Judicial Power has just ordered the revocation of a judge practicing in a court of First Instance, sentenced for corruption. The magistrate was caught in the act, while he received the sum of 500 dirhams from a citizen in exchange for the return of his driving license.
The facts date back to March 2021, when the judge, then vice-president of a trial of first instance of the kingdom, had arrested a motorist on the road and seized his driving license, on the grounds that he had committed offenses to the highway code. The magistrate claimed the sum of 500 dirhams before returning his license to him. Feeling injured, the citizen reported the facts to the police who set a trap for the judge. This is how the magistrate was caught in the act of receipt of the sum of 500 dirhams required at the motorist. He was immediately presented before the investigating judge who ordered the opening of an investigation.