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Morocco: A paying beach? The authorities of Beni Ensar react

By July 2, 2024 Maroc

Morocco: A paying beach? The authorities of Beni Ensar react

The commune of Beni Ensar in the province of Nador denies having imposed a tax of 10 dirhams on people wishing to swim on the beaches of Miami and Bocana. It also denounces rumors “coming from people seeking to harm the public interests of the commune.”

In a press release, the municipality of Beni Ensar wants to be as clear as possible. The tax mentioned on a sign at the entrance to the beach concerns “the car parks inside the Boukhana-Miami beach, where seventeen guarded points have been set up by the municipality, which led it to decide to install a post to collect parking fees from cars at the entrance to the beach, in accordance with the law,” it explained.

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