Moroccan hotels are fully booked
Moroccan hotels are fully booked

In 2024, hotels are full in Morocco. Fatim-Zahra Ammor, Minister of Tourism, Crafts and the Social and Solidarity Economy, presented the results.
The number of nights of internal tourism in classified hotels reached around 8.5 million in 2024, representing 30% of the total recorded in these establishments, said Fatim-Zahra Ammor, who responded to an oral question on the promotion of internal tourism , posed by the Socialist – Ittihadi Opposition group, Monday in the House of Representatives. The main challenge is to “promote internal tourism throughout the year, and not seasonally, in order to allow Moroccans to benefit from the tourist assets of their country”, underlined the minister, adding that internal tourism has become a fundamental pillar of the national tourism sector, highlighting its growing importance during the health crisis linked to the Covid-19 pandemic.