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Moroccan hashish: a deadly chase in Spain

By September 2, 2024 Espagne

Moroccan hashish: a deadly chase in Spain

A chase on the Guadalquivir River between a drug boat from Morocco and a Civil Guard patrol boat resulted in the death of one of the occupants of the first boat. Four other people were injured during the operation that resulted in the seizure of 121 bales of hashish.

The Civil Guard detected the presence of eight drug boats coming from Morocco on the Guadalquivir River, and deployed agents from the Cadiz Command, the Rural Action Group (GAR), the Maritime Service of Cadiz and Huelva and a helicopter to intercept them, the command of the Civil Guard of Cadiz details toThe country. One of the boats managed to reach the shore and its occupants began to unload the drugs. But after the Civil Guard helicopter landed, they boarded another boat, abandoning their boat which contained 47 bales of hashish.

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