Moroccan administration: have the MREs lost confidence?
Moroccan administration: have the MREs lost confidence?

In Morocco, there are major differences in the way each administration handles the affairs of Moroccans living abroad (MRE). These are the conclusions of a study carried out by the Hassan II Foundation for MRE.
During a press conference organized at the beginning of the week in Rabat in the presence of representatives of several ministerial departments and several administrations, the Hassan II Foundation for MREs delivered the conclusions of its study on the management of complaints from Moroccans living abroad in public administrations. It emerged that there are major differences in the way each administration handles the affairs of MREs. Some actually respond to their requests in a way that does not resolve their problems, while others never respond to them, or take a long time to do so. In short, the study reveals that MREs have lost confidence in these administrations. It is therefore “necessary for each administration to be responsive to the grievances of MREs, in order to support them in carrying out their affairs and resolving the administrative problems they may encounter,” Abderrahman Zahi, Secretary General of the Hassan II Foundation for MREs, stressed to the daily newspaper Al Ahdath Al MaghribiaHe will recall that King Mohammed VI had already called, in a previous speech, for efficiency and responsiveness in handling matters concerning MREs.