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Mohammed J., former escapee from Bruges prison, tried for drug trafficking in Antwerp

By September 23, 2024 Belgique

Mohammed J., former escapee from Bruges prison, tried for drug trafficking in Antwerp

Escaped from Bruges prison in 2009 with the notorious Moroccan-born Mechelen criminal Ashraf Sekkaki on board a helicopter, Mohammed J. appeared last Thursday before the Antwerp court for cocaine trafficking and possession of weapons. The prosecution requested a four-year prison sentence against him.

Accused of cocaine trafficking, Mohammed J. and his brother Othman appeared before the Antwerp court on Thursday. The facts date back to 2021 and were revealed thanks to the Sky ECC case. In court, Mohammed J. confessed, acknowledging that he had sold cocaine for a gang for a short time in order to pay off his debt. “I still had a debt of 15,000 euros. If I helped sell the blocks, my debt would be wiped out,” he explained.

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