Miss France 2025: Sabah Aib narrowly misses the crown
Miss France 2025: Sabah Aib narrowly misses the crown

While she was the number 1 choice of viewers who wanted to see her win the crown, Sabah Aib, Miss Nord-Pas-de-Calais, a young woman of Moroccan origin finished first runner-up in the Miss France 2025 competition.
Sabah Aib narrowly missed the crown. It was Miss Martinique Angélique Angarni-Filopon, who won the hearts of the jury. At 34, she became the oldest Miss France ever crowned, a historic first. She succeeds Eve Gilles. Sabah Aib, Miss Nord-Pas-de-Calais, was crowned first runner-up, honoring the great lineage of regional Misses, notably Maëva Coucke, Camille Cerf, Iris Mittenaere and Eve Gilles.