Lost luggage: Royal Air Morocco pointed out
Lost luggage: Royal Air Morocco pointed out

Royal Air Maroc (RAM) is in the top 5 airlines with regard to poorly transported luggage. This is revealed by a study by a specialized platform.
Royal Air Maroc (RAM) occupies fourth place in the ranking of the five airlines with regard to poorly transported luggage, established by Oddsmonkey, which conducted a new study on this problem to reveal which airlines are most likely to Send your baggage to another flight or receive more complaints for loss of luggage. The platform has analyzed more than 700,000 Tripadvisor reviews and studied estimates from the Luggage Losers database, which follows the live sources of more than 18,000 airports and airlines, reports Express.co.uk. RAM receives 2.31 % of the opinions mentioning lost luggage. Ethiopian Airlines completes the top 5 with 2.21 % of the opinions mentioning lost luggage.