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Julie Gahinet, Julien Odoul’s collaborator, accused of racist remarks in Paris

By July 27, 2024 France

Julie Gahinet, Julien Odoul’s collaborator, accused of racist remarks in Paris

Julie Gahinet, the collaborator of the National Rally MP, Julien Odoul, is accused of having made racist remarks against Moroccan customers in a bar in Paris. The person concerned denies the facts. The victims have filed a complaint.

Of Moroccan origin, Younès (not his real name), 35, and Nora and Inès (not his real name), aged 36, tell Street press having been the victims of racist remarks on Wednesday, July 17 while they were having a drink on the terrace of the Rosa Bonheur sur Seine, located a stone’s throw from Les Invalides and the National Assembly. Julie Gahinet was sitting just behind their table with her friends. The tables were cramped and it was difficult to move. A friend of Julie Gahinet is said to have elbowed Inès, asking her to push her “big buttocks”. Later, a girl and a boy joined Julie Gahinet’s table, which led to further arguments.

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