Insults against the Amazighs: a Moroccan YouTuber in turmoil
Insults against the Amazighs: a Moroccan YouTuber in turmoil

Around fifteen political, cultural, associative and academic figures have filed a complaint against a YouTuber who made comments deemed insulting and defamatory towards the Amazighs. A lawyer at the Rabat bar is responsible for carrying out the necessary legal procedures.
YouTuber Ilyas El Malki is in the sights of defenders of Amazigh identity and its culture. The latter accuse him of having distributed insulting, defamatory and discriminatory content against the Imazighens and their culture on the web, reports Assaba. Faced with the wave of indignation sparked by his publication, the YouTuber published other content in which he explained that his comments did not target the Amazighs of Morocco but of Algeria. He also says he recognizes that the Amazighs are the first inhabitants of the kingdom and leading contributors to the economic activity of the kingdom.