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Crisis in Lebanon: Moroccans call for help

September 27, 2024

Crisis in Lebanon: Moroccans call for help The fate of Moroccans stranded in Lebanon, which has become the scene of a tragedy, concerns...

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The M6 ​​channel accused of racism after the ouster of “Louise and Jalil”

September 27, 2024

The M6 ​​channel accused of racism after the ouster of “Louise and Jalil” While the channel M6 has announced that it is separating...

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King Mohammed VI expected at a summit in Paris

September 27, 2024

King Mohammed VI expected at a summit in Paris At the invitation of Emmanuel Macron, President of the French Republic, King Mohammed VI,...

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Algeria imposes visas, should Morocco respond?

September 27, 2024

Algeria imposes visas, should Morocco respond? Calls are increasing in Morocco for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to impose visas on Algerian citizens....

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Why a bridge between Spain and Morocco remains an unattainable dream

September 27, 2024

Why a bridge between Spain and Morocco remains an unattainable dream Connecting Spain and Morocco by road, a dream that has yet to...

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King Mohammed VI comes to the rescue of flooded areas

September 27, 2024

King Mohammed VI comes to the rescue of flooded areas King Mohammed VI has just ordered the launch of a program to rehabilitate...

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