Here are the journalists pardoned by King Mohammed VI
Here are the journalists pardoned by King Mohammed VI

On the occasion of the Throne Day celebrated on Tuesday, marking his inauguration 25 years ago, King Mohammed VI granted pardon to 2,476 people. Journalists Taoufik Bouachrine, Omar Radi and Souleimane Raissouni, as well as activists Reda Taoujni and Youssef El Hirech are among the beneficiaries.
Journalists and activists Hicham Mansouri, Imad Stitou and Afaf Barani also received royal pardons. “The royal pardon stands out for its humane nature, and was received with deep gratitude by the families of those pardoned,” said Hicham Mellati, Director of Criminal Affairs and Pardons at the Ministry of Justice. Amnesty International had repeatedly called in recent years for the release of journalists Omar Radi, Soulaimane Raissouni and Taoufik Bouachrine.