Hassan Tazi defends his wife
Hassan Tazi defends his wife

THE Appeal trial of cosmetic surgeon Dr Hassan TaziSentenced on May 3 to three years in prison, including two farms and one suspended, then released and his co-accused, continues before the Court of Appeal of Casablanca.
If Dr. Hassan Tazi recovered his freedom after spending two years in prison, his wife Mounia Benchekroun, who received four years in prison, is still in prison. During his hearing at the Casablanca court last Friday, the famous surgeon accused of fraud alongside his family and staff, after the abandonment of the initial trafficking in human beings, defended his wife. He “clearly discharged his spouse and his children from all responsibility for the events that took place,” reports Go out. According to him, his wife is by no means involved in the financial aspects of his clinic, Al-Chifa. He said he is the only one to manage the finances of the establishment and that he has always worked for the well-being of his patients.