“Frightening conflict levels” between Moroccans and Algerians
“Frightening conflict levels” between Moroccans and Algerians

The former Tunisian president, Moncef Marzouki, worries the growing divisions between the peoples of the Maghreb, especially between Algerians and Moroccans.
“In my father’s generation, there was no difference between a Tunisian, an Algerian and an Moroccan. They were part of the same student union in North Africa and were present everywhere, whether at the Arabic Machrek or in Europe. They formed a single people and a single political movement, ”said Moncef Marzouki, guest of the Al Magharibia. This time is over. “Today, I fear that the new generations will become enemy of each other. What I see on social networks between Algerians and Moroccans is unimaginable. We have reached frightening levels of conflict and animosity, ”deplored the former Tunisian president.