Exceptional opening of the border between Morocco and Algeria
Exceptional opening of the border between Morocco and Algeria

The Zouj Bghal land border post between Morocco and Algeria was exceptionally opened to allow the repatriation of several Moroccans who were detained in Algerian prisons.
Algerian authorities handed over to their Moroccan counterparts on Monday 52 young Moroccans who were candidates for irregular migration through the Zouj Bghal border post, which was opened exceptionally, the association Aide aux migrants en situation vulnerable (AEMSV) said in a statement. These repatriated Moroccan migrants are from the cities of Fez, Meknes, Oujda, Azilal, Taza, Taounate, Ouarzazate, Demnate, El Jadida, Berrechid, Tangier and Mdiq and had served their sentences in various Algerian prisons. Some had served more than three years and six months in prison, in addition to a year of administrative detention, the same source said.