Europe: these false alarms to destabilize Moroccan exports
Europe: these false alarms to destabilize Moroccan exports

The abusive exploitation of health alerts, in particular those targeting products from North Africa “could lead to a general rise in prices, a reduction in imports and a decline in production, to the detriment of European consumers”, warns the Coordenadas Institute of Governance and Applied Economics.
A staggering observation: in 2024, no less than 5,364 notifications were issued at the borders of the European Union, a record for food alerts never recorded since the establishment of the European RASFF system (Rapid Alert System for Feed and Food ). This is what a report from the Coordenadas Institute of Governance and Applied Economics reveals. If this institute recognizes the importance of the European RASFF system, it hardly appreciates its role “in the propagation of notifications often qualified as unjustified, even fallacious. »