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Empty hotels in Tangier: traffic jams to blame?

By August 23, 2024 Economie

Empty hotels in Tangier: traffic jams to blame?

While the streets and entrances of Tangier are experiencing intense traffic congestion, hotels are far from full. The tourism sector is thus experiencing a significant drop in its attendance, and this is for several reasons.

Tangier shunned? The congestion in the streets and entrances of the city does not mean that the city welcomes many tourists. Tangier has only been a transit point. As proof, the occupancy rate of classified hotels has not exceeded 30% in recent weeks in some units, despite the discounts offered by tourist establishments in order to attract tourists. According to professional sources, this drop in attendance is explained by the intense traffic jams that the city of Tangier is experiencing, which have hindered the movement of tourists and spoiled their experience. They have difficulty moving around the city, which does not make them want to stay longer or even come to the city in the first place. Even residents have not been spared.

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