Drug trafficking from Morocco: a Parisian arrested with 50 kg of cannabis
Drug trafficking from Morocco: a Parisian arrested with 50 kg of cannabis

A young man from the Réunion district of Paris (20th arrondissement) was placed in pre-trial detention last week, after his arrest by police officers from the second judicial police district for drug trafficking from Morocco.
The 26-year-old young man is suspected of importing drugs from Morocco and supplying drug dealing points in Île-de-France, such as the city of Francs-Moisins in Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis) or in Melun (Seine-et-Marne). A few days before his arrest, his Twingo had been checked by agents of the anti-crime brigade in Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis), but no grams of cannabis had been discovered in the vehicle, reports the newspaper Le Parisien.