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Dounia Batma dismissed by the courts

By July 2, 2024 Culture

Dounia Batma dismissed by the courts

The complaint for insults, defamation and blackmail on social networks filed by the Moroccan singer Dounia Batma and his sister Ibtissam against the YouTuber Reda El Bouzidi, better known as Weld Chenouia, was dismissed.

Reda El Bouzidi is out of trouble. On Monday, the Marrakech Court of First Instance dismissed the complaint filed by Moroccan singer Dounia Batma and her sister Ibtissam against the YouTuber whom they accuse of insulting, defaming and blackmailing them. Information confirmed by Weld Chnouia in a video. He explained that the justice system has cleared him of the accusations brought against him. For him, this is a chapter that has definitively closed. “I will not file a malicious complaint and I will let everyone answer for their actions before God,” assured the YouTuber.

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