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Morocco: Changes in sight for income tax

By July 27, 2024 Maroc

Morocco: Changes in sight for income tax In Parliament, Fouzi Lekjaa, Minister Delegate to the Minister of Economy and Finance, responsible for the Budget, announced that the government of Aziz Akhannouch plans to initiate a review of income tax (IR) in the next draft finance law (PLF). The revision of income tax is becoming clearer. […]

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Moroccan roads among the best in the world

By July 27, 2024 Maroc

Moroccan roads among the best in the world Morocco confirms its excellence by remaining in the Top 20 of the best roads in the world and ahead of countries such as Italy, Serbia, Iran and Sweden. Morocco ranks 16th in the ranking of the 20 countries with the best roads in the world, compiled by […]

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Employers of tortured maid in Settat in prison

By July 26, 2024 Maroc

Employers of tortured maid in Settat in prison Justice will be served to Kenza, the 27-year-old maid from Sidi Hajjaj in Settat, who was exploited, tortured and reduced to slavery. The public prosecutor of the Court of First Instance of Benslimane has ordered the detention of her employers. Kenza’s employers are facing Moroccan justice. After […]

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The appeal to King Mohammed VI heard

By July 26, 2024 Maroc

The appeal to King Mohammed VI heard Thanks to King Mohammed VI, the husband of a Moroccan influencer, who has been suffering from cancer since 2021, will be able to seek treatment abroad. King Mohammed VI responded to the call for help that Hicham, husband of influencer Khadija Assadiki, launched via his wife’s Instagram account […]

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Morocco: Watermelon poisons 13 people in Taounate

By July 26, 2024 Maroc

Morocco: Watermelon poisons 13 people in Taounate Thirteen members of the same family, residing in the village of Oulad Hadou, commune of Ain Aicha (province of Taounate), were hospitalized following food poisoning. The consumption of a watermelon, during a picnic near Argoua, is believed to be the cause of these illnesses. The lack of suitable […]

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Morocco suffocates: 21 dead in the heat

By July 26, 2024 Maroc

Morocco suffocates: 21 dead in the heat The heatwave currently affecting Morocco has already caused the death of at least 21 people, mainly individuals weakened by age or chronic illnesses, according to the latest data provided by the authorities. The Béni Mellal-Khénifra region, in particular, has been hit hard by these extreme temperatures, with peaks […]

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Children’s rights: Morocco tops the ranking in the Maghreb

By July 26, 2024 Maroc

Children’s rights: Morocco tops the ranking in the Maghreb Morocco stands out as the best performing country in the Maghreb in terms of children’s rights, according to a ranking by a foundation based in the Netherlands. With a score of 0.776, Morocco ranks 54th out of 194 countries assessed in the ranking of the Netherlands-based […]

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Free parking in Nador

By July 26, 2024 Maroc

Free parking in Nador All parking lots in Nador are now free for residents and tourists, city authorities recently announced. In a statement released on July 22, the president of the municipality of Nador, Slimane Azouagh, informed that the city’s parking lots will now be free. “Parking for cars and motor vehicles on all streets […]

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Extreme temperatures in Morocco: authorities sound the alarm

By July 26, 2024 Maroc

Extreme temperatures in Morocco: authorities sound the alarm Moroccans have been experiencing a succession of intense heat waves since the beginning of the summer. These heatwaves, which reached peaks last Monday with temperatures reaching 48°C in some regions, are worrying the authorities. The General Directorate of Meteorology (DGM) pointed out, in a press release published […]

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Morocco: In Ouazzane… electricity is being stolen

By July 26, 2024 Maroc

Morocco: In Ouazzane… electricity is being stolen The authorities in Ouazzane have decided to open an administrative investigation to put an end to the recurring theft of electricity in the villages of the province, which causes enormous damage to the National Office of Water and Electricity (ONEE) and to the inhabitants of the region. Media […]

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