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New weather alert in Morocco

By August 9, 2024 Maroc

New weather alert in Morocco An intense heatwave is expected this weekend in Morocco, according to the General Directorate of Meteorology (DGM)which places several provinces on orange alert. The DGM has issued an orange alert for several regions in Morocco, predicting scorching temperatures from Saturday to Monday. Thermometers are expected to climb to 47°C in […]

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Tangier: when the medina becomes an obstacle

By August 9, 2024 Maroc

Tangier: when the medina becomes an obstacle Many disabled tourists have difficulty getting around the city of Tangier, particularly in the medina, due to inaccessible roads. The authorities in charge of tourism in Tangier have been struggling for years to find a solution to this recurring problem linked to the movement of tourists with reduced […]

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No more holidays for Moroccan civil servants?

By August 8, 2024 Maroc

No more holidays for Moroccan civil servants? Moroccan civil servants could see the number of annual leave days, set at 22 days, increase to 30 days. This is to allow them to make the most of their holidays. Parliamentarians have just tabled a bill aimed at amending Article 40 of the basic status of the […]

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Agadir deserted by MREs: the effect of exorbitant prices

By August 8, 2024 Maroc

Agadir deserted by MREs: the effect of exorbitant prices Moroccan and foreign tourists, as well as Moroccans residing abroad (MRE), have deserted coastal cities such as Agadir during this summer season due to rising accommodation prices. A low turnout that is detrimental to tourism activity and the region’s economy. Unlike previous summer seasons, Agadir did […]

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Morocco: a lake in danger

By August 8, 2024 Maroc

Morocco: a lake in danger The problem of the drying up of Lake Tamda in the province of Azilal concerns MP Saïd Atghlast who addressed a written question to the Minister of Tourism, Crafts, Social and Solidarity Economy on this subject. Said Atghlast asked what measures the ministry plans to take to find a viable […]

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MREs and ghost apartments

By August 8, 2024 Maroc

MREs and ghost apartments According to official data, the number of empty apartments in the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima region is estimated at around 334,000 units, representing 15.6% of the total number of unoccupied apartments in Morocco. Many of them belong to Moroccans living abroad (MRE). With this rate, Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima is the second region in Morocco […]

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Morocco: When train travel becomes hell

By August 8, 2024 Maroc

Morocco: When train travel becomes hell Traveling by train from Rabat or Casablanca to Fez and Oujda or to Marrakech or vice versa during this summer period is proving unbearable. Concerned, the parliamentarian, Mohamed Karim, from the Authenticity and Modernity group in the House of Representatives, calls on the Minister of Transport, Mohamed Abdeljalil. It […]

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Moroccan Sahara: British recognition underway

By August 8, 2024 Maroc

Moroccan Sahara: British recognition underway Like several European countries such as France, Germany and Spain, the United Kingdom is preparing to recognize Morocco’s sovereignty over the Sahara. Will the United Kingdom follow in the footsteps of France, which recently recognized the Moroccanness of the Sahara and supported its autonomy plan? At least, this is what […]

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Agadir: the inhabitants are fed up

By August 8, 2024 Maroc

Agadir: the inhabitants are fed up Residents of several neighborhoods in the city of Agadir are fed up with living with stray dogs and the homeless. They are calling on the relevant authorities to guarantee their safety and put an end to this phenomenon that tarnishes the image of the city. Residents of the Al […]

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Moroccan weddings in times of savings

By August 7, 2024 Maroc

Moroccan weddings in times of savings High catering costs this summer are forcing Moroccan families to revise their wedding budgets downwards and opt for low-key celebrations with a limited guest list. The reason is the soaring prices of food, meat (red and poultry) and fish. The general increase in prices is forcing Moroccans to review […]

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