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Morocco: new weather alert

By August 31, 2024 Maroc

Morocco: new weather alert Morocco, which experienced a scorching summer with record temperatures, is preparing to face a radical change in weather. From next Wednesday, September 4, locally violent storms are expected in the southern provinces and the Atlas mountains, according to forecasts from the General Directorate of Meteorology (DGM).

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Casablanca begins a vast demolition campaign

By August 30, 2024 Maroc

Casablanca begins a vast demolition campaign HAS CasablancaLocal authorities have launched a massive demolition campaign of illegal buildings, targeting in particular the deprived district of Sidi Moumen, infamous for its shanty towns. Under the leadership of the Wali of the region and the mayor, this offensive aims to restore order to urban planning and to […]

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Expelled from Türkiye, TikToker Hafsa Abhih explains

By August 30, 2024 Maroc

Expelled from Türkiye, TikToker Hafsa Abhih explains Influencer Hafsa Abhih, known for her TikTok videos, has been facing a difficult situation in recent days. After being expelled from Turkey, she decided to speak out publicly about the reasons for her forced departure. Contrary to what some might think, Hafsa Abhih’s expulsion was not the result […]

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Rabat no longer wants its car garages

By August 30, 2024 Maroc

Rabat no longer wants its car garages Rabat is stepping up its preparations for hosting the 2030 FIFA World Cup, which Morocco will co-host alongside Spain and Portugal. A lot of development work has been undertaken in one of its oldest and most famous districts. But changes that are not necessarily to everyone’s liking. Many […]

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The date of Aid Al Mawlid in Morocco known

By August 30, 2024 Maroc

The date of Aid Al Mawlid in Morocco known In Morocco, Aid Al Mawlid Annabaoui, the festival celebrating the birth of the Prophet Mohammad, will be celebrated in September. Astronomical calculations indicate that the conjunction (alignment of the sun, moon and Earth) will take place on Tuesday, September 3, 2024 at 01:55 GMT. The age […]

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Moroccan fish banned from entering Russia

By August 30, 2024 Maroc

Moroccan fish banned from entering Russia Russia recently blocked a large shipment of fish from Morocco, citing a discrepancy between the information on the labels and that in the accompanying documents. The seizure, carried out at the port of Baltiysk, concerns more than 56 tonnes of frozen fish initially intended for the Kaliningrad region.

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Hatim Ammor: an operation that worries his fans

By August 29, 2024 Maroc

Hatim Ammor: an operation that worries his fans The Moroccan artist Hate Ammor informed his followers on Instagram that he is preparing to undergo surgery. Ammor announced this news in his response to a subscriber’s comment that urged him to treat his sinuses to prevent his voice from being stifled when he sings. “I will […]

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