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This mistake that travelers arriving in Morocco must avoid

By September 8, 2024 Maroc

This mistake that travelers arriving in Morocco must avoid Influencer Alisha Marie made a mistake while traveling and talks about it in a video posted on Tiktok to prevent other travelers, especially those arriving in Morocco, from repeating it. Alisha Marie almost missed a flight because of her passport photo. In a video posted to […]

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Morocco: chaos in the sky

By September 8, 2024 Maroc

Morocco: chaos in the sky Morocco has experienced weather disturbances in recent days that have caused chaos in the skies. Several flights to Moroccan airports have been forced to change course due to strong winds, reduced visibility and capricious weather. The list of affected flights is long. The Qatar Airways flight from Doha, which was […]

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Frenchman arrested at Casablanca airport

By September 8, 2024 Maroc

Frenchman arrested at Casablanca airport A 37-year-old French national of Turkish origin was arrested on Friday by national security officers at Mohammed V International Airport in Casablanca. The French justice system had issued an international arrest warrant against him for his alleged membership in a criminal network involved in drug trafficking, aggravated theft, receiving stolen […]

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Sandstorm in Marrakech

By September 8, 2024 Maroc

Sandstorm in Marrakech Many Moroccan cities were hit on Saturday by a sandstormespecially the very touristy city of Marrakech. Impressive videos shared on social media bear witness to the scale of the phenomenon, with clouds of dust covering buildings and trees.

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Morocco: Imams asked to dig into their pockets

By September 8, 2024 Maroc

Morocco: Imams asked to dig into their pockets Faced with rising bills, the Ministry of Habous and Islamic Affairs has asked imams and muezzins in the province of Sefrou to have their personal water and electricity meters installed, rather than using those in their official residences. The Ministry of Habous and Islamic Affairs indicated in […]

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Scam in Marrakech: a 10 dirham soap sold for 2800 dirhams

By September 7, 2024 Maroc

Scam in Marrakech: a 10 dirham soap sold for 2800 dirhams In Marrakech, some traders continue to scam foreign tourists, damaging Marrakech’s image as a safe and reliable tourist destination. Another victim of scam in Marrakech. A merchant located in Bab Mellah, in the medina of Marrakech sold a soap to a foreign tourist claiming […]

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Moroccan public investment marks a record year

By September 7, 2024 Maroc

Moroccan public investment marks a record year Public investment in Morocco has reached a record level of 300 billion dirhams in 2023, which represents an increase of 22.4% compared to 2022 and 53.9% compared to 2019, the Competition Council reveals in a recent report. In its annual report for 2023, the Council justifies this increase […]

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Real Estate: Controversial Constructions in Tangier

By September 7, 2024 Maroc

Real Estate: Controversial Constructions in Tangier In Tangier, the granting by local authorities of building permits for residential buildings near waterways and rivers has raised concerns among real estate experts, citing the risk of cracks during periods of heavy rain. The city of Tangier has issued a building permit to a real estate developer, after […]

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Morocco: several cities under water

By September 7, 2024 Maroc

Morocco: several cities under water The surge of runoff water following heavy rains hitting several regions in southeastern Morocco has led to the interruption of traffic on many roads, particularly in the provinces of Tinghir and Ouarzazate. Traffic on the national road number 10 linking Ouarzazate to Errachidia was completely blocked due to heavy rains […]

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Rabat-Ville station is being modernized to accommodate the TGV

By September 7, 2024 Maroc

Rabat-Ville station is being modernized to accommodate the TGV The rehabilitation works of the Rabat-Ville train station have resumed, after a long period of suspension. They have been entrusted to the firm of architect Youssef Melehi who designed the Rabat-Agdal and Marrakech stations, replacing the AWM firm. Youssef Melehi’s firm was selected to carry out […]

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