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Heavy rains in Morocco: no climate manipulation, according to experts

By September 9, 2024 Maroc

Heavy rains in Morocco: no climate manipulation, according to experts The heavy rainfall recorded last weekend in Morocco, which caused flooding in several regions and provinces of the kingdom, was not caused, Moroccan experts assured. These torrential rains accompanied by violent winds which hit several Moroccan regions from Friday to Sunday, as announced by the […]

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TGV Kenitra-Marrakech: The France-China battle

By September 9, 2024 Maroc

TGV Kenitra-Marrakech: The France-China battle The first batch of civil engineering works for the Kenitra-Marrakech High-Speed ​​Rail Line (HSL) megaproject was awarded to the Chinese public operator China Railway NO.4 Engineering (CREC 4), by the National Railways Office (ONCF), while the Egis-Systra-Novec consortium led by the French Egis Rail won the strategic contract for project […]

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Morocco: a school put up for sale with its students?

By September 9, 2024 Maroc

Morocco: a school put up for sale with its students? In Morocco, a real estate agent finds himself at the heart of a controversy after publishing an advertisement for the sale of a private school including the students. “Private school for sale in Kenitra. Surface area 412 square meters, number of students 373, has three […]

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Morocco hit by devastating floods

By September 9, 2024 Maroc

Morocco hit by devastating floods The torrential rains that have fallen in Morocco in recent days have caused the death of 11 people and the disappearance of 9 others, according to official data provided by the Ministry of the Interior. According to the provisional report presented by the department of Abdelouafi Laftit, the floods caused […]

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GSM-R: the technology that will ensure the security of the Moroccan TGV

By September 9, 2024 Maroc

GSM-R: the technology that will ensure the security of the Moroccan TGV The National Railways Office (ONCF) is accelerating the construction of the high-speed line (LGV) linking Kenitra to Marrakech. A new step towards the realization of the Kenitra-Marrakech TGV. On Friday, the National Railways Office (ONCF) launched a competitive dialogue procedure for the award […]

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Tourism in Morocco in 2024: a historic summer, XXL prospects

By September 9, 2024 Maroc

Tourism in Morocco in 2024: a historic summer, XXL prospects With 2.6 million tourists arriving in July, the outlook for Moroccan tourism is promising and allows for a review of the objectives set in the roadmap for the sector, estimates Zoubir Bouhoute, tourism expert. The high influx of foreign tourists and Moroccans living abroad (MRE) […]

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The ordeal of patients at the Tangier University Hospital

By September 8, 2024 Maroc

The ordeal of patients at the Tangier University Hospital The Tangier University Hospital (CHU) is overwhelmed. As proof, it is impossible for patients to get an appointment with a health professional within a reasonable time. It takes several months to get a medical appointment at the Tangier University Hospital (CHU), described as an exceptional establishment […]

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In Morocco, the health of students is under threat

By September 8, 2024 Maroc

In Morocco, the health of students is under threat In Morocco, consumer protection associations have called on the competent authorities to strengthen controls on the quality of school supplies during this period of resumption of classes. The aim is to protect the health of students. “School supplies are among the products governed by Law No. […]

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Golf at school: Moroccan minister’s decision causes a stir

By September 8, 2024 Maroc

Golf at school: Moroccan minister’s decision causes a stir The directive of the Minister of National Education, Preschool Education and Sports, Chakib Benmoussa, in which he requests to promote the practice of golf in schools, has sparked strong criticism on social networks. In a note addressed to the directors of the regional academies of education […]

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Towards a complete digitalization of Moroccan airports

By September 8, 2024 Maroc

Towards a complete digitalization of Moroccan airports Morocco is working to modernize its airports in preparation for the 2030 World Cup, which it will co-organize alongside Spain and Portugal. The National Airports Office (ONDA) will adopt the complete digitalization of the passenger journey. Responding to a written question from the President of the Progress and […]

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