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Expulsions from France: once protected, they are now targeted

By July 15, 2024 France

Expulsions from France: once protected, they are now targeted Since the promulgation of the new “asylum and immigration” law in France, expulsions under OQTF now target several categories of foreigners previously protected by law. Seriously ill people, parents of French children, spouses of French people and people who arrived in France before the age of […]

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Doll Kenza in prison

By July 12, 2024 France

Doll Kenza in prison Things are getting complicated for Rouen influencer Poupette Kenza, real name Kenza Benchrif. Since Thursday, she has been sleeping in prison. Influencer Poupette Kenza was indicted on Sunday, July 7, 2024 for “attempted extortion by an organized gang” and “criminal association” by an investigating judge in Rouen. The Rouen prosecutor’s office […]

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Risk of flight disruptions between France and Morocco

By July 10, 2024 France

Risk of flight disruptions between France and Morocco The threat by the unions at Paris airports (Roissy CDG and Orly) to go on strike on Wednesday 17 July, if carried out, risks causing disruptions to flights to Morocco. The Paris airport unions (CGT, CFDT, FO and Unsa) are threatening to go on strike on Wednesday, […]

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Tarek, killed for a phone in Paris?

By July 10, 2024 France

Tarek, killed for a phone in Paris? Investigators from the second judicial police district are investigating the murder of Tarek, a man in his thirties who died of his injuries after being stabbed on a terrace on rue d’Avron in Paris (20th arrondissement) by an individual he accused of stealing his phone. Killed for a […]

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From influence to prison: the fall of Poupette Kenza

By July 9, 2024 France

From influence to prison: the fall of Poupette Kenza Influencer Poupette Kenza, real name Kenza Benchrif, is facing new legal troubles. She was indicted this Sunday, July 7, 2024 for “attempted extortion by an organized gang” and “criminal association” by an investigating judge in Rouen. Poupette Kenza finds herself once again in the justice system’s […]

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Yassine Bouzrou threatened with death by the extreme right

By July 9, 2024 France

Yassine Bouzrou threatened with death by the extreme right Yassine Bouzrou is on the list of five new personalities “to be eliminated”, published Monday by the far-right site “Réseau libre”. The Parisian lawyer of Moroccan origin filed a complaint with the competent court for criminal association and incitement to commit terrorist acts. After threatening to […]

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Maghreb doctors in France: exile as a solution?

By July 5, 2024 France

Maghreb doctors in France: exile as a solution? After a breakthrough in the first round of the French legislative elections, the prospect of seeing the National Rally (RN) chaired by Jordan Bardella, who places immigration at the heart of the electoral campaign, win an absolute majority on July 7, worries doctors of Maghreb origin. Some […]

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Anti-Muslim hatred: CFCM calls for mobilization

By July 5, 2024 France

Anti-Muslim hatred: CFCM calls for mobilization The French Council of the Muslim Faith (CFCM) is concerned about a “very strong increase in racist speech and acts of physical violence against citizens identified as ‘Arab-Muslims’” and calls on all French people of all religious faiths “to mobilize massively” during the second round of early legislative elections […]

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