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A new battlefield between Spain and Morocco?

By July 18, 2024 Espagne

A new battlefield between Spain and Morocco? Spain and Morocco are fighting over ownership of the Tropico seamount, located 4,000 meters under the sea and full of essential materials for the production of green energy. The Tropico submarine is an inactive volcano submerged in the sea. It measures about 3,000 meters from the base and […]

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MRE: be careful on Spanish roads!

By July 14, 2024 Espagne

MRE: be careful on Spanish roads! The Mossos d’Esquadras have decided to reinforce controls on the AP-7 motorway, which is very busy with Moroccans from Europe in transit to Morocco during the summer, in order to combat the growing insecurity on this road. Faced with the insecurity on the AP-7 crossing Catalonia, also called the […]

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Spain and Morocco, soon to be united?

By July 11, 2024 Espagne

Spain and Morocco, soon to be united? The movement of tectonic plates could lead to the formation of supercontinents, scientists say, and estimate that Spain and Morocco, and by extension Europe and Africa or the two shores of the Strait of Gibraltar, will collide within 250 million years. According to a study by the University […]

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Salamanca, an essential stopover for MREs

By July 9, 2024 Espagne

Salamanca, an essential stopover for MREs In recent years, many Moroccan tourists have flocked to Salamanca (Castile and León) during the summer season. These include Moroccans from Europe who stop in the city located in the northwest of Spain before returning to Morocco for their summer holidays. The number of Moroccan tourists visiting Salamanca in […]

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Morocco, a threat to Spain? The Popular Party responds

By July 8, 2024 Espagne

Morocco, a threat to Spain? The Popular Party responds The Popular Party (PP) of Melilla shares the opinion of General Loreto Gutiérrez Hurtado, director of the Department of National Security (DSN), who recently affirmed that Morocco does not currently represent a threat to Spain. Morocco “does not constitute a physical or military threat” to Spain, […]

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Spain issues travel warning for Morocco

By July 7, 2024 Espagne

Spain issues travel warning for Morocco The Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has drawn up a list of recommendations for its nationals planning to travel to Morocco. The department headed by José Manuel Albares invites Spanish tourists to exercise extreme caution during their stay in Morocco and to avoid going to coastal areas and the […]

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