Casablanca Zoo welcomes two elephants who lived in the circus
Casablanca Zoo welcomes two elephants who lived in the circus

After a long medical stay in Belgium, the 47-year-old elephants from Amiens will soon be transferred from the Pairi Daiza park, near Mons in Belgium, to Morocco.
Elephants from Amiens Zoo will leave Belgium for Morocco on July 22. “This is an opportunity that presented itself for these old ladies,” says Claire Gilissen, spokesperson for the Pairi Daiza park, near Mons in Belgium. Jana and Praya spent more than 15 years in Amiens Zoo. Rescued from a circus, they had to leave this zoo, which did not have enough space for them, in 2017 for Pairi Daiza Park. The latter had responded to the call of the French establishment. The elephants had joined around fifteen pachyderms in Belgium and were supposed to stay there for a few months, but the stay will have lasted seven years. During their long stay, these two females from Antwerp (Belgium) and Prague (Czech Republic) had received care (plant-based food supplements) at Pairi Daiza Park. They suffered from behavioural problems resulting from their many years in circuses, were constantly shaking and could not mix with other Belgian groups, he said. franceinfo.