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Moroccan players missing after sea escapade

By July 7, 2024 Maroc

Moroccan players missing after sea escapade A sea trip that turns into tragedy. This is the sad fate that five members of the Ittihad football club of Tangier have suffered, including players from the first team and the espoir category. While they were enjoying a sunny afternoon off Restinga beach, near M’diq, their escapade took […]

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Moroccans Avoid the North for Dakhla for Their Holidays

By July 7, 2024 Economie

Moroccans Avoid the North for Dakhla for Their Holidays Dakhla has managed to establish itself as a must-see tourist destination in recent years. Despite the long distance that separates it from major cities, many Moroccan and foreign tourists increasingly prefer this city located in the far south of Morocco to the northern regions, and this, […]

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Celebrities flock to Marrakech

By July 6, 2024 Economie

Celebrities flock to Marrakech Marrakech continues to attract visitors from all over the world, especially many celebrities and rising stars. Many flock to the ochre city, one of the top tourist destinations in Africa and the Middle East. The influence of Marrakech is not diminishing. As in previous years, the world’s great celebrities and rising […]

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Morocco: “Djin” scammers heavily sentenced

By July 6, 2024 Maroc

Morocco: “Djin” scammers heavily sentenced The Tinghir Court of First Instance sentenced four people prosecuted for fraud and swindling in the so-called “Djinn Hammou” case to 8 years and 8 months in prison on Thursday. The court sentenced the main accused to three and a half years in prison, her husband and brother to two […]

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Al Hoceima: Holidays ruined for MREs?

By July 6, 2024 Maroc

Al Hoceima: Holidays ruined for MREs? The digging and widening work underway at the start of the summer season in the city of Al Hoceima is disrupting traffic and causing outrage among residents and visitors, particularly MREs. The construction work on a roundabout at the entrance to Al Hoceima, near Calabonita beach, is creating inconvenience […]

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Morocco: new developments in VAT collection

By July 6, 2024 Economie

Morocco: new developments in VAT collection In Morocco, the General Directorate of Taxes (DGI) has implemented new measures concerning the withholding of VAT at source, which came into force on July 1, 2024. According to a press release from the DGI, legal entities and individuals whose income is determined according to the actual net income […]

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Morocco: Large-scale movement of appointments within the police

By July 6, 2024 Maroc

Morocco: Large-scale movement of appointments within the police Abdellatif Hammouchi, Director General of National Security, made a series of important appointments as part of the strategy of consolidating the principle of rotation of positions of responsibility and promoting young skills to assume security management responsibilities. In total, 31 appointments to positions of responsibility within the […]

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