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Anti-Moroccan remarks by the Mayor of Badalona, ​​Spain, denounced

By August 22, 2024 Espagne

Anti-Moroccan remarks by the Mayor of Badalona, ​​Spain, denounced

Risto Mejide, presenter of “Todo Es Mentira”, strongly condemned on Monday the “extremely racist” message of Xavier García Albiol, mayor of Badalona, ​​who described Moroccan migrants as criminals in a publication on X.

During Tuesday’s show, the presenter asked the mayor if he regretted the publication. “No. I can’t put the immigration issue aside,” Albiol replied, arguing that Moroccans are criminals, because of their nationality and the way they dress. How does he recognize a Moroccan just by looking at them? Risto asked him. “By the language (Arabic). In Badalona, ​​I have a large Moroccan community. I know how to differentiate between languages ​​even if I don’t understand them,” explained the Badalona mayor.

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