Alleged rape of a French lawyer in Casablanca: “Determined to the end”
Alleged rape of a French lawyer in Casablanca: “Determined to the end”

The French lawyer who accuses “daddy’s boys” of Casablanca of rapeduring a private evening organized on November 2, delivers his version of the facts for the first time. The young woman says she is “determined” to fight “until the end” for justice to be done.
The alleged victim claims to have been drugged and then raped during that evening. “Everything was going well, I was sitting on a sofa with a friend with whom I had a long conversation. Shortly before, I had danced with Bilal. And then, nothing more. My memories end there,” she told investigators in Paris on November 7, when filing her complaint. Her fiancé later told her that she “had been super tactile with other men (…) that I had sat on the knees of several, including her cousin. Whereas I am not at all tactile.” “I am determined to fight. I will go to the end,” the French lawyer confided to the newspaper Le FigaroMonday in Paris.