After 400 operations, argan oil restores youth to a famous model
After 400 operations, argan oil restores youth to a famous model

In the UK, a famous model and TV personality, who spent £1 million on 400 cosmetic surgeries, discovered the benefits of Moroccan argan oil and turned her back on cosmetic surgery for good. And, the metamorphosis is breathtaking.
After 20 years of notoriety for her physical improvements obtained after 400 cosmetic surgery operations, Alicia Douvall born Sarah Howes (she changed her name to one more suited to glamor modeling), has posed for several years as a spokesperson for natural aging . The spark came to her after she discovered the benefits of Moroccan argan oil and created the Douvall’s beauty brand with her eldest daughter Georgia. She invested all of her £20,000 savings into it. The company collaborates with the Moroccan women’s cooperative, which produces argan oil for its products. She is also involved in raising awareness and fundraising for breast cancer research.