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A hard blow for the Averroès Muslim high school in Lille

By July 23, 2024 France

A hard blow for the Averroès Muslim high school in Lille

Seized a second time in summary proceedings, the administrative court of Lille rejected the request for provisional maintenance of the association contract with the State pending a decision on the merits addressed to it by the association managing the private Muslim high school Averroès, as well as the associations representing the staff of the establishment and the parents of pupils.

No public subsidies for the private Muslim high school Averroès for the 2024-2025 school year. On Monday, the administrative court of Lille confirmed its position by ruling that, “in view of the information submitted to it, there is no reason to maintain the association contract linking the Averroès high school to the State until the decision to terminate this contract, taken by the prefect of the North, is examined by the trial judges”, reports Saphirnews. Last February, the court confirmed the cessation of public subsidies from the start of the 2024-2025 school year decided by order of the Prefect of the North in December 2023. Since 2019, the Hauts-de-France region has decided to deprive the high school of the subsidy provided for in the contract. It accuses Averroès, in particular, of a Qatari donation of 950,000 euros in 2014.

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