A fleet of trucks to carry the cause of the Moroccan Sahara in Europe
A fleet of trucks to carry the cause of the Moroccan Sahara in Europe

From Agadir, an associative actor in the field of transport is showing initiative to raise awareness of the question of the territorial integrity of Morocco and to underline the justice of the Moroccan Sahara issue.
In total, more than 80 international transport trucks travel through a number of European and African countries, decorated with the map of Morocco, the emblem of the kingdom, as well as various drawings, symbols, inscriptions and excerpts from royal speeches, in order to raise awareness of the issue of the territorial integrity of Morocco and to highlight the relevance of the Moroccan Sahara issue. Launched from the city of Agadir, this initiative comes from Mohamed Oussala, an associative actor in the field of transport. Where did he get the idea? “The idea stems from our strong and unwavering conviction of the importance of parallel diplomacy in defending the causes of the people. After the continued successes of our King and the Moroccan state in general in our national cause, we can only support initiatives that go in the same direction,” he explained to Hespress. He added: “The sincere and true patriotism that flows in our veins from generation to generation is the main motivation to engage in everything that serves the interest of our country, on any occasion and in any place. Today, as we celebrate the anniversary and the epic of the recovery of the Oued Eddahab region, we can only mobilize all our resources to continue to make our country and its cause known throughout the world.”